Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration viewed at sea

Hundreds of us from many nations watched the Obama inauguration today in the Queen Victoria's theatre and pub. Proud to be an American! The 50 buttons I brought along went fast, and not just to Americans. Now we all have work to do.

Transiting the Panama Canal an all day amazing trip. Can see where the third lane is being cut in. QV just makes it through, the Queen Mary can't fit. Really an engineering wonder.

Pacific calm and endless, and we haven't even gone far off the coast of Central America. Passing Costa Rica and Honduras today. Tomorrow we'll dock in Guatamala and I'll see a macadamia nut farm.

By the way, to get to my me.com account I need to use wireless and it's not working now; to get to my embarqmail.com account I need to be in the internet center AND be lucky, so if you haven't heard from me on email, that's why. I will post photos on here when the wireless is back up or I learn how to do it in the centre.

Weather warm and wonderful, seas calm. My sympathies to those up north.


Jane Shull said...

Lois, I've been thinking of you, especially on Inauguration Day. I was at the farm and 5 of us sat up in the house loft watching an old rabbit-ear TV. Everyone there was so young, I had to identify everybody for them! I got tears in my eyes when Obama took the oath.

We are finally on our way, again! You were spot on with your comment about all the work we have to do. I'm delighted we are "putting away childish things" and getting on with it with an adult in charge!!


Unknown said...

Hi Lois!

Fun to read your blog and imagine you watching the inauguration from the ocean! :-)

We had Allison Stouffer and her boyfriend, Brandon, staying with us last weekend. They went to the inauguration. Since it was not the most kid-friendly event, we had 10 friends + 10 kids (all under the age of 5) to our house to watch it on our movie screen.

The kids were mesmerized by the event. Emory made #1 signs with his hands and put his arms in the air, shouting "Yeah, Obama is now our President!" It is truly amazing to watch the excitement even within a 3 yr old!

While exciting, we were also happy to have our city go back to normal on Wednesday. It had been a long time of anxiousness among those of us who live in DC.

Hope you're enjoying yourself and taking it all in.

Love from DC!
