Tuesday, February 10, 2009


PS: if you had trouble getting to the photos try www.gallery.me.com/herrlk/10017; PSS: Fran and Beth - be sure to look at my comment after yours.


Tom Stouffer said...


Tom Stouffer said...

Thanks for literally keeping us posted, Lois. I think it makes sense to read Conrad. I just read "My Old Man and the Sea by Hays & Hays" - about sailing around Cape Horn in a small boat, and they quote various works of Conrad throughout -- particularly "The Mirror of the Sea."
Sounds like you're being reintroduced to idea that "civilization" means different things to different people...
Dean remains in Afghanistan, looks like Andrea (alone?) will get to close on their townhouse in Tampa on the 20th of March. They're still here in PA.
Looking forward to checking out your latest photos.
By the way, suspect most WWII Navy ships, spent a lot of time cruising at around 20 knots, but I'll check.
Getting in better shape is something I should be doing, too. Way to go!

Deanna said...

Dear Lois,
I am traveling with you. Your itinerary is on my desk and I check it frequently. I still say "amazing' everytime I look at it. Your trip has helped me to escape this awful winter weather here at Conococheague. This morning I put on my ski jacket and had my morning tea on the front porch. It was gorgeous with warm sunshine. Tomorrow is to be colder. I loved the pictures but would really like to see more of your "home" away from home. The few pictures of the Queen were so interesting and elegant. Good girl on getting in shape. I am envious of your personal trainer. Continue to enjoy your adventure. We are so happy for you! Love, Deanna

Alison Needles said...

Lois - great pics and write up on Apia and Tonga experiences! See from the bridge cam today that you were in New Zealand....looks wonderful! Today we had a gift of a warm day - actually had windows open! Back to winter reality in a few short days. Our news here also includes the great horror of the Australian wildfires which I am sure the local newspapers there will detail. On a lighter note it is great to follow through this world tour - your timing is awesome at many levels.