Sunday, February 15, 2009

Tasman Sea

notice that I gave the wrong photo address. . .. it should be

What a trip! Have my little office set up in the Commodore Room with the same view the captain has - nothing but sea - the Tasman Sea. Swells of about 8 ft but otherwise a beautiful day. As far south as we get and about as far away from home. Still only 1/3 of way through my journey, however. Ahead tomorrow are koalas and Tasmanian devils. We get just a glimpse of each country - enough to make you want to come back. I now understand why world travelers keep traveling.

Having a political discussion group on board has created new friendships, as people who like to talk about the issues of the day identify each other. We also have figured out that we can get a digest of the New York Times WITH editorials, and CNN and BBC are back on the air. It isn’t the same CNN you watch - it is the global edition. I like being away but I don’t want to come back not knowing what happened in the political arena during my holiday.

From a distance it seems so ridiculous that our congress is voting on party lines when the stakes are so high. We also wonder why so many of Obama’s appointments have gone sour - maybe it would be better if he did bring in outsiders. And as for the financial mess, I am acutely aware out here of the international domino effect and of the feeling that the US is to blame for tipping the balance.

Time for frivolity, however, and last night I won a prize for my masquerade costume - Cleopatra! Even my table mates did not recognize me. [Thank you Marta.]

All who wander are not lost.


Bonnie said...

Each time I read your interesting comments about each port of call I had to let you know how much I'm enjoying your trip. You sound more excited as time time goes on and you certainly have become a world traveler. We have a friend who just left on a trip to New Zealand and Austrailia but he is flying and will be gone for 4 weeks. Just had lunch at Flowers in the Kitchen and of course talking with Jim F. your name came up. Your pics of Pearl Harbor brought back memories of when we were there. Seeing you in warm weather attire makes me envious as we shiver with our bleak winter months. Our 2 weeks in FL did help warm us up even though a cold front went thru. The FL sun is still much warmer than around here. Looking forward to reading about your upcoming destinations.

Unknown said...

I am excited for you. New Zealand and Australia are such interesting places. Chris and I visited 8 years ago (just before 43 started his wars) and wish to return there as well.

Fill us with travel lust!

Tom Stouffer said...

Deanna and I are also enjoying the trip, Lois. We took Jackie out to lunch at FITK today and ran into Debbie and Rick. They asked about you, and we told them how to follow your progress. Their daughter is now 15 and looking at colleges or nursing.
Agree with your political observations. No interest on the part of the Rs to support aything the Ds come up with. The bill has nearly 50% tax cuts already, and the Rs are complaining about no capital gains cuts. It boggles one's mind.
60 Minutes had Pakistan's new president on yesterday. Needless to say, with Dean in Afgstn, we're following all that pretty closely. There's a pending agreement to accept Sharia (or some form thereof) in the one valley in the northern part of Pak as part of a truce with the Taliban. Scary, especially for the women in the area...