Tuesday, August 19, 2008

advance information

Tonight on a conference call for her delegates, I did get some helpful advance info from Hillary Clinton and her staff. We now know that her name will be placed in nomination on Wednesday and there will be a roll call vote. That makes all this more exciting. I am willing to support Obama for President but I do very much want an opportunity to celebrate the significant accomplishment of Hillary Clinton.

And the announcements of receptions and lunches keep coming in. I wonder how it will be possible to get around Denver fast enough to attend even a portion of them.

I've declined the invitation from Emily's List because (a) it is very expensive, and (b) I still think that organization needs to reassess its tactics in light of its original mission. These days it does not give really "early" money and doesn't help those of us who take on the old boys in underdog races. Just because it's an uphill race is no reason to shy away from it. After all, isn't it important to defeat the right wing incumbents - shouldn't we target those like Joe Pitts who have absolutely awful voting records on all the issues that matter to us?

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