Tuesday, August 19, 2008

One day closer to Denver

I'm on a porch in Mt. Gretna (old fashioned resort in Central PA) relaxing for one more day before getting ready for the two day train trip to Denver. These days I get at least a dozen emails a day from the Hillary camps [there are many]; even Rendell appears to be looking forward to casting a vote for her at the convention. Somehow this makes the trip more exciting. Even if she isn't the nominee, this is historic, or should it be hirstoric? a celebration is what has been missing. There is no need to "get over it" rather we should celebrate her candidacy before moving on and we didn't get that chance yet. We will. That's what was wrong all along - we never got to celebrate the fact that a woman got so many votes for President! We have a long way to go, but Hillary pushed us far forward, much farther than we've ever been before.

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