Friday, April 3, 2009

the Red Sea

Blue skies, mid-70s, and breezy in the Red Sea approaching the Jordanian port of Petra. Why is it called the "red" sea? It's as blue as any other. So wide (119 miles in some places) you can't see either the Eqyptian or Saudi Arabian coast from where we are. Noticed patrols at sea and on the ship while we went by Somalia, but no misadventure.


Alison Needles said...

Lois, the Red Sea got its name from a phenomenon caused by a type of algae called Trichodesmium Erythraeum, which is found in the sea. When these algae blooms die off the blue-green color of sea appears to change to reddish-brown color. What a great set of ports you will be visiting in the next few weeks! ENJOY!

Unknown said...


I have been enjoying taking the cruise to the world ports through your commentary --thank you! Enjoy Petra -- it is awesome. Go onto the ladies room it has lovely stone walls of reds and ochers. When I was there 10 years ago,the children were selling stones to raise money, I'm interested in hearing what the local women and children are doing now?? ENJOY JORDAN.